Mission to Earth is a film produced by the new digital cinema media which called Soft Cinema. The director of the Mission to Earth use this new creative media to produce a unique film. And the film is about a human immigrant’s experiences of a modern world. Compare with the traditional film, the way of telling story and constructing a film are not the same, and it have some new and different elements in it.
This kind of digital cinema-Soft Cinema is a kind of software that relies on the huge database of footage to perform the screen and people can edit the film with the computer use this software and edits the footage of the film. Just like the screen play in this film, each screen’s performance are not the same because of this new software allow the movie element have many combination. Unlike the traditional way, there is not only one-way to tell story in this new media. And in the movie, the voice-over repeated the same word, but the software will make screen play very differently each time, like using different visual element, photos, window separation est. Also, what is new in this movie is that in some single movie screen, they separate into different windows and each window will show different thing such as different point of view of the same object or screen. The frame of the screen separate into more than two windows and showing different screen, so audience need to be more focus and find out what the screen is talking about. I think that was the most new element is the layout of a screen in the film display in that moment. I think that also affect film’s development. With the help of the soft cinema, the computer can edit the film, and it will take care about the element of the editing the film like the playing ways, theories, music…etc. it can save director or editors’ time and make filming be come more convenience.
This film remind me that the movie 127Hours. Because of the screen play and the window layout of 127Hours films are similar with that movie. 127 Hours is a true story about how the main character Aron Ralston's save himself in a serious accident that is a big rock crashes on his arm and he was trapped in an isolated canyon. This film also use the voice over to tell the story, but not the whole story and whole movie is voice over. Also, some of screenplay of 127Hours separates the screen into different windows, in one screen we may see 4 windows and each one screening the same object on different view or direction. The emotional music and the documentary shooting style of 127Hours also remind me that was similar to the Mission in Earth.
Since soft cinema is computer software and it is a digital editor of the film, people can just press the button and the software will edit the movie corroding to their will. With this convenient technique, more people can become the movie director and make their own movie.