What is the primary source of news for you?
I usually watch news online by searching the internet. Yahoo website and Apple Daily are my primary source of news. Because I am live on hostel, it is impossible for me to watch news on television. Checking the news online is very convenient for me and I can want the news any time I like. Every time I open Yahoo website and Apple Daily, they will show the hottest and most updated news on the front page. I can update what is happening around Hong Kong or around the world at that moment. Also, I can pick up the interested topic to watch freely. For Apple daily website, it offers us a video format of news and the video are made in a interested way with animation. We can watch news in a funny and relax way and I enjoy watching it.

Do you think that ‘mass media’ will some day be totally replaced by digital media / internet?
According to Wikipedia “ Mass media refers collectively to all media technologies which are intended to reach a large audience via mass communication. Broadcast media (also known as electronic media) transmit their information electronically and comprise of television, film and radio, movies, CDs, DVDs and some other gadgets like cameras or video consoles. Alternatively, print media uses a physical object as a means of sending their information, such as a newspaper, magazines, brochures, newsletters, books, leaflets and pamphlets.”
I don't think ‘mass media’ will some day be totally replaced by digital media / internet. Although, digital technology developed rapidly and in future, every people in advanced countries may have his or her own computer, they can access the information online freely, I still think not everyone like reading news, novels on the Internet. Some of them (including me) love to read the real, concrete books or newspaper instead of watching a digital screen. Also, In some poor countries or area, like Africa, Mainland China, not everyone can afford the high technology and buy a computer, the traditional mass media, news paper, television are still their main information sources. The truthiness of the content of online media is another problem. Information on Internet flowing fast and coming from many different place, website, we are not sure whether their truth or not. There may have many different version of the same topic, and they may contain fake or wrong information, so we may get confuse. Therefore, I think the mass media is more reliable and it is not replaceable.