2011年11月29日 星期二

User Generated Digital Media

a) How many viewers are estimated to have watched the youtube video?
Since YouTube videos are free for people around world to want. There is over 41 millions people have watched this video. It shows that this video is popular and attractive.

b) How would you rate the video?

I will rate it as 0.5 star out of 5 stars, this 0.5 star is just for his dramatic and facial expression and exaggerate performance. The face of that man or girl is ugly, his/her sound are noisy and it is hard for me to hear what he said he shouting about. I really don't like it and I think it is very annoying, ridiculous and he/she is crazy.

c) Is it of high quality in technical terms? Is it interesting aesthetically e.g. camera angles, use of light, the narrative, and so on?
It is a low quality in video and didn’t include any filming technique. It just uses a fixed top angle without any changes. The yellow color lighting is bad to put on people’s face. It is just recording a mad person who is expressing his/her angry emotion and being crazy. It didn’t include any interesting aesthetic.

d) Does it raise interesting socio-cultural issues? 
 Yes, may be. It may be a new method (media) for people to express their feeling and emotion. They can say his or her complain out directly. After this video broadcast on YOUTUBE, many people try to follow this way to express their thought through the online video. People become enjoy in expressing their idea in this way. And some people make fun with this video and respond it by making funny others and pose online.

e) Do you think deserved the attention that it received from the Internet community?
Yes, although it is a nosy and meaningless video, it suggests a new way that people can express their feeling and it raises interesting socio-cultural issues and people’s feedback. Recording video may be the direct and better way for us to express emotion than words.

f) Briefly describe the video
"Leave Britney Alone!" is and online video taken by Chris Crocker. The video is about 2 minutes and the content is about defending the pop singer Britney Spears's comeback performance at the MTV Video Music Awards. The video is a top shot, and face is the main focus. We can see clearly his facial expression. Since some cloths covered the background, so we are not sure where he was, may be at his bad.

g) Find at least one interesting video, based on Crocker’s or Bus Uncle, and upload it to your blog

 A primary student about 6to 7 years old was shouting their parent in a shopping mall and condemn them why don’t leave him alone. And people blame this boy don’t treat their parent even he is small.

h) Report some positive and negative comments about this new ability for computer users to make and widely distribute and respond to online films 

 Positive side is this kind of interesting video is a good entertainment, and we can know want interesting or serious things is happening around our community. Also, the cost of making this kind of video is low, money can be saved by avoiding booking venue, contacting agencies. But it may raise a lot of public concern. Since YouTube is a free platform that people can post any creation to it. People’s creativity may be increase by producing their creative video and express themselves. Now, YOUTUBE become a way that people can show off his or her filming talent.
The negative side is some video is real meaningless and the one who upload the video is just want to get people’s attention. Also, since we can’t sure whether the video is real or just some one pretend and act as an interesting video, we don’t know whether it is right or wrong and we don’t real clear what is happening in the video some time. 
Also, it relate to privacy problem, because the producer may not get permission to take this video. The one who was show on the video may think it is unfair and feel sad. 

